Our difference
Komorebi's philosophy is to introduce to a culture from another corner of the world, in all its complexity and in all its diversity, by meeting locals who contribute to its evolution.
Artists or artisans, chefs or farmers, workers or scholars, urban or rural, young and old, they all have a story to tell, their story.

Our trips are not luxurious, but they are comfortable. Our accommodations are human-sized, low-consumption structures that blend into the landscape as much as possible. The beds are comfortable, and the rooms and bathrooms private.
Aware of the social, economic and ecological issues of all tourist activities, we have chosen to create responsible trips through balance and common sense.

We are not looking for zero carbon footprint, which can only be achieved by staying home and not consuming. But we strive to use carbon-based transport as reasonably as possible, and to favor low consumption activities.
We are not seeking short cycle as a way to reduce our footprint, because we are convinced that staying in your village or neighborhood doesn’t help understanding the challenges of this world. It is by meeting others and opening our eyes to our neighbors, even distant ones, that we fully understand how much our world as a whole deserves to be safeguarded.